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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Stress Less with these 6 Tips

As we return from summer vacations and head into the school and work season, stress will naturally kick into high gear. Increased stress can have negative effects on our physical and mental health, and while massage and acupuncture are great ways to help alleviate that stress, an article written by Active.com explores alternatives.

Some of those alternatives are

Move Your Body

Physical activity is a great way to pick up your mood and improve your thoughts. Walk, jog, join a group fitness class, work out at a gym or at home using a fitness DVD or put on your favorite music and dance. You'll feel better while also burning calories.

Count Your Blessings

We can forget how much good we already have in our lives when we focus on our challenges. Take a moment to write down everything you are thankful for. You may be surprised at how long your list is.


Simply enjoying laughs with a friend or watching a funny movie can dissipate negativity, generating positive emotions and positive thoughts.

Click here to read the full list of stress relievers.

Photo provided by WiseBread


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