(303) 579-7127

I love massage, and I think you will too!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Benefits of Geriactric Massage

Some may believe that massage is only used on athletes and pregnant woman. The reality is that as we grow older, our bodies need to continue to stay healthy. So that means that for older adults they should feel relaxed, pain free and stress free. I spotted an article in Massage Today that addresses the benefits of geriatric massage on the elderly. Sharon Puszko writes

The positive effects of massage rest on sound science. Even a gentle massage has a proven effect on blood circulation and the nervous system. These two body systems are especially vulnerable to the effects of aging. Geriatric massage stimulates these systems in a natural, pain-free way. Because of this, there are none of the side effects that are present in many medications. This is important for those who are being treated for Parkinson's disease, diabetes, depression and many other conditions requiring regular medications. In many cases, a regular massage (once a week) enables the physician to reduce medications. Proper geriatric massage also helps strengthen muscles weakened by disuse and helps reduce pain and stiffness in the hip, knee and shoulder joints. This is why the professional geriatric massage therapist routinely asks for permission to talk with or get written permission from a physician for an elderly client's massage.
If you know an elder adult in Boulder, Colorado who complains of aches and pains, please refer them to me. 

Read the full article entitled "Aging Gracefully: The Timeless Benefits of Massage".

Photo courtesy of Chesapeake Healthy Lifestyles


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