(303) 579-7127

I love massage, and I think you will too!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Top Benefits of Getting a Massage

One of the things you may not know about me is that I am a member of the networking group Business Networking International, also known as BNI. Here in Boulder, CO, our chapter meets every Tuesday morning at 7:30am, and during the meeting, I am given the opportunity to promote my business and share my experiences as a masseuse. Often times I tell people about the benefits of getting a massage, which not only include relieving pain, but also (according to Gwen Wright of Ntouch Massage and Spa)

·         Eliminates fatigue

·         Improves and promotes flexibility

·         Creates instant relaxation and reduces stress

·         Prevents injuries

·         Improves circulation

·         Stimulates muscle and tissue

So if you are experiencing any of the above or would like more information on how a massage can help alleviate any of the pain that you might be in, please contact me.

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